
Blog Article

3 Steps to Develop a ‘Best Customer’ Profile

Author: ϳԹ

Using customer data to define marketing programs is essential — especially for small businesses. To make sure every marketing dollar counts and your promotions reach your most loyal customers, retailers must understand who their “best” customers are.

If you don’t know who your most loyal customers are, ask yourself three questions:

 1. Do I have up-to-date information on every customer?

Inaccurate databases with inaccurate customer profiles are useless. Customer information should be regularly cleansed and updated because consumers move, get new telephone numbers and change email addresses. In order to establish a solid baseline for communications, you must keep in contact with customers in order to keep their basic information current.

2. How can I collect additional information about my customers?

Getting information without being intrusive is the key. An honest approach with a sincere goal of trying to serve customers better is a good strategy to implement. For example, simply ask how you can improve their experience with you. From here you can discover a variety of useful information, including:

  • Likes and dislikes
  • What motivates them to buy
  • Improvements to enhance the shopping experience

    Getting to know your customers is important. Knowing as much information about their motivations and behaviours will improve the way you can market information to them.

3. Can I analyze and predict my customer’s behaviour?

By using the information in your accurate and detailed customer database, you can establish customer profiles and see who is most valuable to your business. Perhaps more importantly, you can identify customers that are less valuable. By profiling customers, you can save valuable time and money and ensure you are communicating with the “right” customers.

To take it one step further, you can segment your customer database by interests, products or services. Additional marketing messages can be developed revolving around these segments to drive a deeper relationship with customers.

